
Of all the things you might decide to visit a chiropractor for, lifestyle advice is probably outside your list. The truth is, though, that the recommendations provided by a chiropractor are essential to your overall health and wellness. Learn why in this guide provided by our New Wave Chiropractic Center team in Carlsbad, CA.

What is lifestyle advice part of chiropractic care?

The term “lifestyle” regarding chiropractic care revolves around habits to build and adjust your spinal health. For example, when you seek pain treatment, there is a chance that the pain occurs after a sudden injury. However, this pain is from poor posture and poor lifting techniques.

For example, someone working at a computer might develop back pain due to poor posture. Each day of this compounds on the previous until it is nearly unbearable. While a chiropractor can help undo the damage and provide relief, it will only be temporary if the same poor posture is practiced.

This is an area in which lifestyle adjustments can be invaluable. The patient would likely be guided through better habits while sitting at their desk, corrective exercises that could make the good posture more natural, and tips for setting up a more ergonomic workspace. When these recommendations are put in place, along with spinal adjustments and other chiropractic methods, they can provide lasting relief.

What type of lifestyle advice will I receive?

All methods of chiropractic care, including lifestyle adjustments, are personalized to the patient receiving them. Therefore, your recommendations will be provided according to your needs. However, some common areas – besides those in the above example – include the following categories.


Fueling your body with the right nutrients keeps you healthy and can also fight many conditions, aid in recovery, and reduce the likelihood of injuries.


Some people need to add activity to their daily routines, while others might need to change or adjust their exercise type.

Sleep Adjustments

Sometimes, the position in which one sleeps, the pillow or mattress used, and similar factors can impact spinal and overall health.

Weight Management

Excess weight can put undue pressure on the joints. Safe, natural methods of weight management are key to addressing these issues.

These are just a few examples, but a chiropractor will suggest adjustments to your needs.

Schedule a Visit with Our Chiropractor

To learn more about the power of lifestyle adjustments or to discover which ones could benefit your life, call (760) 683-5942 to schedule an appointment with our New Wave Chiropractic Center in Carlsbad, CA.
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